2017 月津港燈節 『四季禮讚』「2017月津港燈節」以「四季禮讚」為策展主題,近50組件藝術燈景,其中包含7件大型地景型作品、4件國際藝術家作品,別於以往燈區氣氛營造方式,首度透過光環境營造四季氛圍,透過光環境的四種顏色主軸,搭配大型地景型亮點作品,讓民眾在四種特色氛圍中穿梭賞燈,感受不同以往的視覺饗宴。

Symphony of The Seasons
Climate has played a main role in shaping the looks of a society. It influences our agriculture, farming, and all other things that humankind needs to meet its basic needs. As for Tainan, in this highly-developed era, the impact of our climate has exceeded these needs for most people and is now also visible in different forms of artworks. Seasons strongly influence cultural developments. Artists immersed in gloomy weather are more likely to create cold-toned works while those from tropical areas tend to use vibrant colors. Urban Art Studio divides the entire exhibition area into a few zones. Each zone features different works presenting the beauty of four seasons. The beauty depicted by our artists will make you wish the exhibition would never end.

「春雨驚春清谷天,夏滿芒夏暑相連,秋處露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。」   – 節氣歌
隨著氣候的變化,人們發展出農耕、漁獵等生活方式。台灣橫跨北回歸線,擁有良好的 先天條件,位於嘉南平原一部份的台南地區,與自然氣候之關係更加密切。「看天吃飯」 這句話在當今,已經不只適用於傳統產業,其實可以擴大去聯想到文化藝術的生產,當天 氣不好的時候,烏雲籠罩使藝術家創作出屬於比較冷調或者簡潔的構圖、而春夏繽紛的景 觀則是引發藝術家去創造歡樂而多彩的藝術品。
四季影響了人們各個面向,也使文化更多 元有趣。四季節氣,是上天給大自然和人類最大的禮物,甚至民間也流傳著24節氣歌,便 於記誦適合播種耕耘或者預防壞天。春夏秋冬的四季變化,也成為歷來音樂、詩歌、藝術 創作者的靈感來源,古典音樂大家韋瓦第創作「四季」小提琴協奏曲,漢唐以來的詩人如 王維、韓愈、李白等人將四季的意象寫入詩詞當中的例子更是不勝枚舉。